Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Adventure...
So for our anniversary I bought Steve a BBQ. Well I asked for some birds. And here the adventure begins. We shopped around for an Italian iron cage and just the right birds. Neither of us like noisy birds so we chose finches. We went and picked up our tiny joys tonight. We set up our cage with pride. We had researched and obtained everything we needed. We brought my sweet babies home. Opened the box and placed them in the cage. And what happened next you ask? They flew out. You see our best laid plan was a bust and we have spent the better part of an hour trying to catch three tiny birds flying around our house. We deduced that the bars are far too wide. Hind sight is 20/20. We have rigged a contraption for the evening but I have to tell you, we were breathing just as hard as they were- in the end.
What an adventure.

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